Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 1 of Round 3 of P90X

Today I began my third round of P90X after having completed a round of Insanity in June of 2010.  So far I've lost about 20 pounds of weight, put on muscle improved my endurance and lost about 2 inches off my waist.

People ask me if P90X works.  There's no magic to it.  Anything you work at for an hour to an hour and a half a day, six days a week that burns calories and gets your heart rate up along with a sensible diet is going to work.  The thing I love about having a program to follow is I know exactly what I'm supposed to do each day and I have something to hold me accountable (the calendar) if I don't do it.  In the eight months I've been doing the programs I've only skipped one workout that I didn't make up later.

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